Monday, April 5, 2010

bright lights

I've lost my motivation again. Argh.

I *should* graduate next spring, but golly, I've got senior-itis. I don't know if it's because I've been working so much (35ish hours, when I'm only supposed to work 25) or I am just T.I.R.E.D. but I've got a methodology due Wednesday and could care less.

I've been having dizzy spells for the last week or so. Vertigo is a more accurate description. I'll be sitting at my computer or desk at work, and the world will start spinning.

So I've been trying to figure that out, by eating more bananas and tofu (not together!) and drinking Powerade like it's going out of style. It's getting better, as in I'm not feeling seasick while lying in bed, but it's definitely weirding me out, and disrupting my schedule.

I also stopped my weekend morning walk, due to said dizziness, which is truly the only way I can get rid of stress.

Did I say that last week my coffeemaker broke? I WAS WITHOUT FANCY COFFEE FOR TWO DAYS!? Thankfully, I did have the office's mud coffee, but I went to Target TWICE for a coffeemaker and ended up staring at them for 30 minutes. I hate how indecisive I am, because I am not a fancy coffeeperson. I just need something that makes something that resembles java, and I'm cool. (Eventually I bought the cheap-o one at Walmart, which I have not given my money to for about two months now)

Needless to say, I feel like I'm running in circles and not getting anything done. I've got this huge research project, a case study, and tons of work drama to sort through...

and all I can think about is how I need to do laundry.

And how I want to volunteer for some Senate campaign this summer. If I'll have a job this summer. Does my thesis topic really work, really? ...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

running to stand still

This week at work was uber-stressful, so after spending some time shopping yesterday (and getting pink tulips) I turned to the thing I knew would make me feel better: my ipod and an early morning walk.

As I left the apt this morning at 7, with the cool air hitting my face, I couldn't help but miss the Mall.
I spent a lot of my evenings in DC walking the mall, especially when I was trying to make the decision to stay in the District or leave for ROA. On good nights, as the sun would set, I would do two "laps" or a little under 4 miles.

I missed the distinctive "crunch crunch" of the Mall.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Best Advice Ever.

This made my day.

"you really don’t want to swim with whales, and, yeah:

Don’t ever let anyone steal your dreams.

(No matter how absolutely ridiculous they might appear)"

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I miss DC.

When I went shoe shopping today, I only got the pairs that would be comfortable with marble floors.
"Oh, these will be good Hill shoes... no, THESE will be great commuting shoes!"

And the thought that I might go back to DC scares me. But damn, it's all I can think about after finishing this degree.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You're not the woman you envisioned//But your life is not a broken time machine

I write too much at work to actually do this thing, so I'll write a list, because I am procrastinating on finishing a research design test.

  1. I really can't stand my neighborhood idiots who sit in their car for ten minutes with their ipods blaring. What are they doing? Adjusting the seat?
  2. Migraines stink. I need stronger meds.
  3. I'm regaining my design skills from how-ever-many-years ago. I busted out an ad in less than an hour today!
  4. I think I know what I want to do with my life (at least for this particular moment).
  5. I'm practically a vegetarian. I think I could go totally veg, but dang, sometimes I need Chick-fil-a. AND I'm NOT giving up my Five Guys. NOT doing it.